
Visiting the North Pole

Well, Christmas vacation has officially begun! I've traded the Florida heat for snowy Montana. Trust me our house is a little big bigger than this one. I'm looking forward to a week of hot cocoa, ski lessons and reading by the fire. The merriest of Christmases to you!


The one that got away

I love scouring estate sales and vintage shops for things I must have and delight in finding something really beautiful. Occasionally I have to walk away when someone is asking too much for an item, or recently in the case of the Very Sad Umberella Holder Day. I was at Goodwill and noticed an amazing blue and white umbrella vase. I'd never even thought to want such a thing, but now it was at the top of my list.

Unfortunately it was in another woman's cart. I may or may not have followed her around the store to see if she would put it down. (She did not) I considered talking to her about it but lost the nerve and the vase. I bemoaned my luck to my husband who replied that God must have wanted her to have it. I suppose that's true but I hope He will want ME to have one soon as well. 
This is a $700 umbrella holder from Nadeau's Auction House. The one I wanted was a steal at $9.99!


Wrapping it Up

I'll be spending the weekend wrapping gifts & finishing Christmas shopping. Are your gifts already packaged, waiting under the tree? Or do you usually wait until Christmas Eve like I usually do? Pass the eggnog and the tape please!

Photographed by Carter Smith for Banana Republic

Organized Clutter

I'm not terribly organized, are you? I like to say I'm a collector. I feel at home with my things in pretty arrangements. While I admire people with clearly marked bins & printed labels, I'm more of the helter skelter type. Vogue did an article on "Storage with Style" that I found very inspirational. These displays would be easy enough to duplicate with vintage silver trays, mint julep cups and brass or silver candlesticks.

Article from Vogue Photos by Marko MacPherson Edited by Virginia Tupker


Quote Me

I love this print from HelloCherie

Party Plans

When planning a party, where do you start? Theme, food, decor? While I take all of these aspects into account, I have to admit that most of my soirees begin with a desire to use a certain set of dishes. Right now I'm ready to put these to use..

 They're perfect for fall, don't you think? If only for a Sunday dinner, these will be making an appearance quite soon!